Tuesday 5 March 2019

An alternative (and occasional) music posting highlighting something out of the ordinary. Perhaps of limited appeal, unconventional, experimental or just far-out ! Call it what you like (or switch it off, if you don't like). 

The trip continues with this 'New Zealand by Drone' >
I chose this particular one because of the mix of music with natural sounds. Music by Tony Anderson titled aptly 'Eyes Wide Open' ! 
Pay close attention on 4.30 minutes we see the view from Roys Peak... fingers crossed, we get there...

> If you missed Roy, here's a short alternative > www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dERpMrK2JA


  1. Fingers crossed for you guys! So happy for you. A dream come true!

  2. Stunning >>>> I was the biker :)). It is so extraordinary, you must feel as though it is very surreal much of the time. I am so happy I sent you that travel poem before you left...That video speaks directly to the point of how we can feel ourselves change within the moments of the experiences you are having. The beauty that goes on forever within one place has to touch a place within you that may never have been touched before, or one that you were even aware of. Just magnificent...glad to have now at least a sense of it all. Thanks again, Bloke. Tons of Love, Toni ~~

  3. “For the Traveler” John O’Donohue.

  4. https://onbeing.org/series/
    There is a wonderful hour long interview with John O'Donohue at this site.
    If it doesn't lead right to his interview, you can put his name in the search and it will come up. When you get back home!
