Friday 22 November 2019

The recent death of 
Terry O'Neill, the photographer of so many film, pop and rock 'n' roll stars, provides an unexpected intro to this week's music spot. Check out a gallery of stars on this link to a Guardian newspaper article from last Sunday. Capturing a past, in images that live forever:
January 1963 - O’Neill later recalled: “I was asked to go down to Abbey Road Studios and take a few portraits of this new band. I didn’t know how to work with a group, but because I was a musician myself and the youngest on staff by a decade, I was always the one they’d ask. I took the four young lads outside for better light. That portrait ran in the papers the next day and the paper sold out. That band became the biggest band in the world, the Beatles” 
You may subsequently and undoubtedly have heard of this (now not so young) lad, on a track from 1984 and on the soundtrack to his film 'Give My Regards To Broad Street' this is 'No More Lonely Nights' by Paul McCartney.

Lots of beautiful scenic images in this video, plus the lyrics. But who is playing those guitar solos ?
The answer will be revealed next week if you don't recognise the distinctive style and sound. No peeking (or googling), now...

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