Friday 7 June 2024


Last Friday Margaret asks me if I know a blues artist called Coco MontoyaAnd promptly sends me a link to listen to. 
Turns out our friend in California had seen him perform just a few miles north of their home in Santa Rosa and had posted pictures on Facebook of the concert. 
I've not stopped listen to him since... so had to feature this week, especially this song from his debut solo album ‘Gotta Mind to Travel’ released in 1995. 'Am I Losing You' written by the Cate Brothers from their '95 ‘Radioland’ album that featured Coco Montoya guesting. I am going with the album cut purely for listening purposes, (no video) so no distractions, as I really like the subtle guitar licks in the second verse and the sound of his voice. 
I will add a link to a 'live' performance below for action video fans. 
Coco Montoya's career began in the 70s as a drummer with Albert Collins who then taught him guitar. In the 80s he played with the John Mayall Bluesbreakers for 10 years before going solo. Plays guitar, plays it left hand (like Jimi and Ziggy) … and boy can he play ! 
So thanks to M and Debbie 😃. And I hope you like this as much as me > 

Replay: same song 'Live' from 2016 - click here 

Further listening fyi: (look out for these) 
‘I Want it All Back’ - from ‘Songs from the Road’ double cd  
‘I Wish I Could Be That Strong’ 
‘Don’t Take it Personally’ - sounding like Free both vocally and guitar playing.  
.... to mention just a few 'blues' titles. 

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