Tuesday 10 September 2024


An alternative (and occasional) music posting highlighting something out of the ordinary. Perhaps of limited appeal, unconventional, experimental or just far-out ! Call it what you like (or switch it off, if you don't like). 

Now that the 2024 Paris Olympics are finished, time to mention the music played during the event. 
Music Director for the Olympic and Paralympics was eclectic French musician and composer Victor Le Masne. Mainly associated with electro and pop he wrote 'Parade' the official anthem for the 2024 Olympiad. You certainly heard this as it played every time there was a medal presentation. 
Less played was the amazing piece at the Opening ceremony during the horse rider sequence along the River Seine. Titled 'Higher', this was quite something >

A word to on the Logo: that looked like the Olympic flame but also something else: see this story of explanation and discover Marianne. 

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